Frequently Asked Questions


  • Should I replace connecting rod bolts when overhauling an engine?

    Yes, we do recommend that. We have already experienced a bolt breaking before.

  • What is the best location for the fuel filter?

    The worst location is after the fuel pump! When the filter breaks, the fuel sprays over your heat engine and the car catches fire. So before the pump. If you want to be 100% sure, then place it at the front near the tank.

  • What should be the valve clearance?

    We have explained it in this document: Valve clearance 

  • Why does nothing happen when I turn the mixture screw on my carburettor?

    Most likely your carburettor is flooding. You can find more info here.

  • Why is there no new Weber 24mm carburettor available?

    The Weber 24mm is very often replaced by the 28mm carburettor. You can find them here .


  • How to determine the size of the drive shaft?

    We have explained it in this document: Drive shaft dimensions  


  • What is the black paint on the new body work parts?

    This is called CP (Cathodic protection), also known as KTL (Kathodischen Tauchlackierung). You don’t need to remove this paint, it is a good protection. More info about CP can be found here .

  • Where are all the cables in the tunnel?

    We have explained it in this document: Rear view of the tunnel 


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